Vulture Fiction

Original fiction from Vulture 6

Saturday, June 17, 2006

USS LOCKRIDGE (DD-5314) Status Report 17FEB2206

DATE: 17FEB2206
SUBJ: Status Report 17FEB2206

Sir, as per your request I am reporting on the status of USS LOCKRIDGE. As previously reported, USS LOCKRIDGE entered Henderson Naval Ship Yard on 01DEC2205 to make repairs sustained in battle damage on the first day of the war.

Since arriving, the wreckage of the aft Mk-232 launcher has been removed. The LRR-24c system has been completely replaced and tested; the damaged SSR-15c has been replaced with the newer SSR-15e. One new engine has been installed, the second engine, salvaged from USS HORTON is in transit. The Yard Superintendent assures me that it is estimated that the engine will be installed no later than 15MAR2206. All hull breaches have been repaired.

We still have no word on a replacement for the Mk-232 Missile launcher. Without this vital piece of gear, LOCKRIDGE is only 50% effective for combat operations. As new ship constriction demands all of the production of new weapon systems, I would like to request that a weapon system salvaged from a combat loss be used as to make LOCKRIDGE ready for further combat operations as soon as possible. To this end, I have identified several ships that are damaged beyond repair here at Henderson, awaiting salvage and scrapping.

EDLOE has two Mk-113 launchers. There is only deck space for one launcher, however there is more than ample room below decks for both magazines. The slower rate of fire of the 113 will be negated somewhat by the ability to carry the long range Starlance missiles. The age of the system and the dwindling supply of Starlance missiles makes this a temporary fix at best.

GATES suffered extreme damage but I believe her VLS launcher could be salvaged and installed on LOCKWOOD, however the attending fire control system and related maintenance gear would also have to be added and would likely double our remaining yard time.

OKLAHOMA CITY was ravaged aft, all of her missile systems were destroyed, however she does still have two forward turrets that with some heavy modification, one could be made to fit in place of the Mk-232 launcher. The two guns would have about half of their magazine space than they did on OKC, but they would provide a heavy punch. We could incorporate some of the OKC crew aboard to man the guns, and transfer our Mk-232 qualified crewmen to new ships as to incorporate their battle experience into a green crew.

I await your input on these ideas. With the situation as it is I am eager to return LOCKWOOD to action as soon as possible.

Fredrick J. G. Holmes


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